Friday, July 20, 2007

High Yield CD - A Good Idea?

Everybody has gotten that lecture about how you have to get a good education so you can get a great job so you can save for your future. Well that last part needs an overhaul, big time. If you want to be traditional and just save your money by putting it in the bank, or by getting a High Yield CD for your hard earned cash then let me offer you this piece of information.

Here is a link to Bank of America's High Yield CD

If you clicked on the link then you know that you have to choose the state you live in, I chose Nevada and I got these interesting facts...

Wow.....5.10% on a so called High Yield CD? It appears Bank of America has you covered as far as a short term investment goes, I mean they got it all from the HIGH APR to the FDIC insurance.

This is just no good if you want to retire with a bank account that has more than 3 zero's in its balance. Everyone dreams of retiring on the beach with a cold drink in their hand with no worry in the world. Truth is, this is getting harder and harder to accomplish each year, inflation is the culprit behind the rising cost of living. Gas costs more, food costs more, homes cost more...hell, even water costs more. Water, the most abundant resource on the planet is getting more expensive everyday.

I don't need to say much about what Titan has to offer as far as your money and investment I said in a previous post - The Proof Is In The Pudding (In case you missed that one, check it out here)

Check out so you can see for yourself the undeniable returns that completely obliterate any other type of "money saving" strategy...You shouldn't be a slave to money.

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